Projected Cost: $36,870 Paid to date: $0 balance to fund: $36,870
Notice of Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Increases to Water Service and Sewer Service Rates was mailed on April 23, 2024 to all effected property owners.
In order to insure the financial health of your Community Services District, and to insure that you are being fairly allocated your portion of the costs, the CSD has initiated a Rate Study. A Rate Study takes into account the cost of daily operations, the replacement and repair costs that will inevitably be accrued at some point, as well as infrastructure improvements that will be necessary, then looks at the number and types of connections provided, and finally takes into account the inflation forecast and extrapolates what would be a reasonable rate for the district. In this process, we hosted a workshop in which, you, the customer were encouraged to join and work with us on the new rate structure that will cover the next 5 years. Please see the notes and slides from that workshop below.
As we have updates we will be posting them to this page.
Proposed schedule with key milestone project milestones
12/07/23 – Project Meeting to Review Preliminary Findings (Virtual)
12/20/23 – Draft Report to District
01/08/23 – Preliminary Report to District
01/23/24 – Finance and Budget Committee Meeting (Virtual)
02/20/24 – Community Meeting (In-Person) 6 pm
03/19/24 – Board Meeting to approve Study (In-Person)
06/11/24 – Board Meeting / Public Hearing Ordering New Rates / First Reading
06/18/24 - Board Meeting: Second Reading & Adoption of Ordinance
07/01/24 – New rates become effective
There have been regular meetings between Blair Aas from SCI Consulting Group and PECSD personal to insure the most accurate information and predictions are available to be used in this rate study. We are all working our hardest to keep the rates established as low as possible while also insuring the daily financial health and funding for future necessary projects are stable. At the 01/23/24 Special Board Meeting, SCI presented to the Board a preliminary look at the rate study. No actual rates were presented at this time, only the overall effects. The Board was able to deliberate on a few of the assumptions and offer feedback and direction for this project.
The results from the rate study were presented to the Board on 03/25/24. There were two options (or plans) for each Water and Wastewater. The Board selected Option 2 for each and voted to approve the study as presented. During a Special Board Meeting on 04/11/24 the Board reconsidered it's previous selection and selected Option 1 for the Wastewater portion, Option 2 was sustained.
In order to insure the financial health of your Community Services District, and to insure that you are being fairly allocated your portion of the costs, the CSD has initiated a Rate Study. A Rate Study takes into account the cost of daily operations, the replacement and repair costs that will inevitably be accrued at some point, as well as infrastructure improvements that will be necessary, then looks at the number and types of connections provided, and finally takes into account the inflation forecast and extrapolates what would be a reasonable rate for the district. In this process, we hosted a workshop in which, you, the customer were encouraged to join and work with us on the new rate structure that will cover the next 5 years. Please see the notes and slides from that workshop below.
As we have updates we will be posting them to this page.
Proposed schedule with key milestone project milestones
12/07/23 – Project Meeting to Review Preliminary Findings (Virtual)
12/20/23 – Draft Report to District
01/08/23 – Preliminary Report to District
01/23/24 – Finance and Budget Committee Meeting (Virtual)
02/20/24 – Community Meeting (In-Person) 6 pm
03/19/24 – Board Meeting to approve Study (In-Person)
06/11/24 – Board Meeting / Public Hearing Ordering New Rates / First Reading
06/18/24 - Board Meeting: Second Reading & Adoption of Ordinance
07/01/24 – New rates become effective
There have been regular meetings between Blair Aas from SCI Consulting Group and PECSD personal to insure the most accurate information and predictions are available to be used in this rate study. We are all working our hardest to keep the rates established as low as possible while also insuring the daily financial health and funding for future necessary projects are stable. At the 01/23/24 Special Board Meeting, SCI presented to the Board a preliminary look at the rate study. No actual rates were presented at this time, only the overall effects. The Board was able to deliberate on a few of the assumptions and offer feedback and direction for this project.
The results from the rate study were presented to the Board on 03/25/24. There were two options (or plans) for each Water and Wastewater. The Board selected Option 2 for each and voted to approve the study as presented. During a Special Board Meeting on 04/11/24 the Board reconsidered it's previous selection and selected Option 1 for the Wastewater portion, Option 2 was sustained.