***This link is not yet active. Please be patient as this page is still under development. Meanwhile, please see below for the Resolutions & Ordinances that have already been uploaded to this page.***
This link is a single pdf to allow for word searches within currently active Resolutions & Ordinances. Below you will find the same Resolutions & Ordinances sorted by category as well as all that are rescinded, inactive, or obsolete.
Please reach out to the office if you need help finding something. |
This section is still under development. Please be patient as each resolution and ordinance is formatted, noted, and added to the appropriate section below. As always, all resolutions & ordinances are available in the office for public review.
general provisions
Ordinance 2024-A Billing Ordinance (Revised 12/17/24)
Res 2024-17 Reimbursement of Expenditures related to Water Treatment Plant
Res 2024-06 Authorize Representative for SWRCB Financial Agreement
Res 2024-05 Rate Study and Five-year Financial Plans
Res 2012-86 Approval of Measure A - FD Tax
Ordinance 2007-J Fee Schedule for out of District Fire and Emergency Responses
Res 2006-60 Additional USDA Loan to Finance WWTP7 Project
Ordinance 2006-H Issuance and Sale of Bonds to Finance WWTP7 Project
Res 2006-58 Authorized Persons for USDA Loan for WWTP7 Project
Res 2005-50 VAPP Improvement District Formation
Res 2002-35 Establishing the General Manager as Controller
Res 2002-34 Authorizing Investment of Monies in LAIF
Res 2001-32 Bulk Water Sales
Res 2001-28 LAFCo Representation
Ordinance 2000-D Fire Department Mitigation Fee
Res 98-20 Contingency Account
Res 96-16 Medical Call Charge
Res 96-15 Property Tax/Snow Removal
Res 96-14 DHLF Bond Fees (Wastewater Debt Fee)
Res 95-01 Water Service Fees for Zone 1 & Zone 2 (ESS)
public safety
sanitation & health
planning & zoning
bidding on public contracts
rescinded resolutions & Ordinances
Res 2024-12 Replaces Res 2018-02 & 02a, Compensation practices for volunteer firefighters participating in mutual aid
Res 2013-91 Amends Rates in Ordinance 2012-87
Ordinance 2012-87 Billing Ordinance, Including Rates (See Ordinance 2024-A)
Res 2012-85 Amends Ordinance 2007-J
Res 2011-82 Amends Ordinance 98-C-2008 (See ??????)
Res 2007-67 Fee Schedule for out of District Fire and Emergency Responses (refer to Ordinance 2007-J)
Res 2006-54 Additional USDA Loan to Finance WWTP7 Project (Replaced with Res 2006-60)
Ordinance 2005-G Sale Bonds to Finance WWTP7 Project (Rescinded Sep 13, 2006; refer to Ordinance 2006-H)
Res 2005-51 Issuance and Sale of Bonds to Finance WWTP7 Project (See Ordinance 2006-H)
Res 2005-49 Sewer Improvements and to Issue Revenue Bonds (USDA - Rural Loan) (Replaced with Res 2006-58)
Res 2000-25 Fire Department Mitigation Fee (converted to Ordinance 2000-D)
Res 99-22 Tax Reallocation (passed not executed)
Res 98-19 Billing Policy (converted to Ordinance 98-A, replaced with Ordinance 2012-87)
Res 94-02 Deposits of Surplus Monies in County Treasury Accounts (Rescinded June 12, 2002; refer to 2002-34 & 2002-35)
item or project specific resolutions
Res 2024-21 Amends Ordinance 2015-E Section 11.05.022, Water hours in Stage 2 Restrictions.
Res 2024-20 Amends Policy 2030 Holidays, Section 2030.20
Res 2024-19 Amends Ord 2024-A, adds Section 3.01.43 "Customer Refunds" & Section 3.01.44 "'Grace Stipulation'..."
Res 2024-18 Approving the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Agreement #7GF24082
Res 2024-16 Amends Policy 3030 "Fixed Asset Accounting Control"
Res 2024-13 Amends Ordinance 2024-A, Attachment "A" and changes rates for Eureka Estates Subdivision Undeveloped Lots
Res 2024-09 Revise Policy 3022 "Investment Policy"
Res 2024-08 Amending Policy No 3040 "Expense Authorization Policy"
Res 2024-07 Establishing Ordinance 2024-A
Res 2023-04 Place Delinquent Charges on the Tax Roll
Res 2022-05 Place Delinquent Charges on the Tax Roll
Res 2021-03 Place Delinquent Charges on the Tax Roll
Res 2018-04 Place Delinquent Charges on the Tax Roll
Res 2017-05 Place Delinquent Charges on the Tax Roll
Res 2016-01 Place Delinquent Charges on the Tax Roll
Res 2016-99 Clarifies Various Aspects of DWSRF Financing
Res 2016-97 Submission of SWRCB Financial Assistance Application
Res 2015-96 Submission of DWSRF Loan Application
Res 2014-94 Award of engineering services for Treated Wastewater Project to Bastian Engineering.
Res 2014-93 Place Delinquent Charges on the Tax Roll
Res 2012-90 Transfer of Account to Plumas Bank
Res 2012-89 Accepting Cal Fire Grant 7FG12160
Res 2011-83 Accepting Cal Fire Grant 7FG11112
Res 2009-79 Joining California Communities - Prop 1A
Res 2009-77 Accepting Cal Fire Grant 7FG90063
Res 2009-73 Accounts Collection Agreement for Fire Department
Res 2008-72 Accepting Cal Fire Grant 7FG80009
Res 2008-69 Refinancing Certificates of Participation for Dynamite Hill Leach Field
Res 2004-47 Support of Proposition 1-A
Res 2004-46 Approval of CDF Grant #7CZ44304
Res 2004-45 USDA Loan Resolution
Res 2004-42 CSDA Legislation (Support for a new Law)
Res 2002-33 Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978 Grant
Res 2001-30 Declaration of Surplus Property
Res 96-13 DHLF Emergency Funding (not needed or passed)
Res 96-12 DHLF/CSDA Bond Issuance
Res 96-10 Intent to Build Dynamite Hill Leach Field
Res 95-04 95/96 Fiscal Year Appropriations Limit
Res 95-02 Sewer Fees for 1995